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TF Empires

Account & Profile


Account Security

Secure practices are crucial to protect personal and sensitive information in today’s digital world. With cyber threats on the rise, adopting measures like using strong passwords, avoiding sharing sensitive data, and employing unique usernames helps mitigate risks and maintain privacy online. Prioritizing security ensures peace of mind and fosters trust in digital interactions. Here are some essential security measures we recommend:

  1. Utilize Strong Passwords: The following points constitute a strong password:
    • Length: Make your password at least 12 characters long.
    • Variety: Include uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters.
    • Avoid Patterns: Don’t use easily guessable sequences or common words.
    • Unique: Use different passwords for each account.
    • Passphrases: Consider using memorable phrases instead of single words.
    • Update Regularly: Change your passwords periodically for added security.
  2. Use Unique Usernames: Opt for a username that differs from your legal name or employ a distinct “Display Name.”
  3. Avoid sharing sensitive information: Ensure that the information you enter into your “Bio” section is not sensitive information.

Untreadable vs. TF Empires Benefits

What’s the difference between Untreadable and TF Empires benefit packages?


  • Extended Fulfillment Period: Founders have five years to fulfill their backers’ benefits, with one year to prepare and four years to deliver.
  • Larger Benefits Over Time: Backers receive a larger benefit spread over four years. For example, they might pay upfront and receive incremental rewards over the fulfillment period, such as farm produce.
  • Support for Impossible Projects: Designed to help entrepreneurs make the impossible possible, offering a long-term commitment from both founders and backers.
  • Pre-Sales Model: Uses a pre-sales approach to secure funding for projects, allowing founders to generate revenue and build their business over an extended timeline.
  • Specialization: Focuses on projects that promote strength, independence, intelligence, and integrity, catering to businesses that require a longer development period .

TF Empires

  • Integration with E-commerce and Networking: Seamlessly integrates with Luxauro’s multi-vendor e-commerce platform and Gold Metal Guild’s professional networking, enhancing visibility and reach for projects.
  • Customizable Crowdfunding Experience: Allows founders to create sub-projects or branches related to their main project, offering flexibility in how projects are structured and funded.
  • Minimal Restrictions and Fees: Promotes freedom for founders and backers by minimizing referral fees and project restrictions, fostering an environment where creativity and innovation can thrive.
  • Heightened Project Visibility: Projects gain increased exposure through integration with Luxauro and Gold Metal Guild, reaching a wider audience.
  • Efficient Resource Allocation: Founders can efficiently allocate resources based on funding preferences, maximizing the success of their crowdfunding campaigns.
  • Lower Platform Fees: TF Empires charges a competitive 4% platform fee, which is lower compared to many other crowdfunding platforms​​ .

  • In summary, while TF Empires provides a more traditional yet highly integrated and customizable crowdfunding platform, Untreadable extends this model by offering longer fulfillment periods and focusing on projects that need a substantial amount of time to develop and deliver value to backers.

Backing a Project

Supporting a TF Empires Project is a breeze with these easy steps:

  1. Navigate to the project you want to back.
  2. Choose the benefit package you’d like to purchase.
  3. Click the “Next Step” button at the bottom of the pop-up.
  4. Fill in the required payment details and select “Complete Order”.

Please note: Your card won’t be charged until the project end date. You’ll receive a notification a few days prior to the project’s end date.