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TF Empires

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How TF Empires Works

What Founders Backers should know

Untreadable is the extension of TF Empires, dedicated to turning the unthinkable into reality for everyone’s success in life. Similar to traditional crowdfunding, Untreadable enables project creation and funding. However, it distinguishes itself by offering founders a five-year window to fulfill their backers’ rewards.


Consider someone launching a new line of vehicles where backers receive one of these vehicles as a reward. The founder has one year to develop the vehicle and four additional years to fulfill all rewards, ensuring backers’ contributions help establish the company.


Untreadable benefits both founders and backers. For founders, it’s about achieving the once impossible. Backers, on the other hand, enjoy the anticipation of a substantial reward, even if it’s distributed over time. Knowing they’re part of making the impossible possible makes the experience truly remarkable—it’s no longer just incredible, it’s UNTREADABLE!


Creating an Untreadable project is simple: start by initiating a TF Empires project and designate it as an Untreadable Project. Within days, your project will be live on


For more details on how Untreadable operates, visit

For the Founders

As the Founder, you hold the reins in determining the success of your project. Whether you surpass or fall short of your goal—adjustable at your discretion—you decide if the project warrants fund processing. This flexibility proves invaluable amid fluctuating economic conditions, where project expenses may vary throughout the campaign. Even after reaching your goal, the decision to officially close the campaign lies with you. In cases of exceptional success, you might choose to continue offering your product on TF Empires for as long as possible.

TF Empires maintains transparency regarding platform and processing fees, charging a competitive 4% platform fee—a lower rate compared to many other crowdfunding platforms.

TF Empires provides an environment for Founders to explore what consumers want, and to cater their business towards that. The option to initiate “branch Projects” from the main project fosters exploration of public interest in potential business expansions. Starting a cafe? Why not see if people would back you in adding a frozen yogurt bar on the side as well? If you decide there isn’t enough public interest providing you the needed funds, just close the child project and remove the branch. The backers cards won’t ever be charged.

Founders retain the authority to shut down projects for any necessary reasons before backers’ credit cards are charged.

You set your goal and you can change it by contacting us. Set your goal as low as you can reasonably produce your benefits to your backers. Changing your goal is permitted but may look a little incompetent to your backers, especially if you keep changing it.


Similarly, you have control over the campaign deadline. You set your deadline, and you can contact us to extend it.  Choose any number of days for a campaign deadline, however we would recommend starting with a 60 day campaign and extending it no longer than 180 days total.




Once your campaign is successful, (if you have products) you can publish your product(s) on or maybe you have a cafe as in the example above you can list your cafe on Luxaurolicous!

For the Backers

As a backer, you hold the honor of contributing to the launch of a new project and serving as inspiration for someone’s entrepreneurial journey.

If you’re contemplating becoming a backer, here are some key points to consider:

  1. Flexibility: You retain the option to withdraw your funds at any time, except within the 48-hour window prior to fund processing.

  2. Realistic Expectations: Funding a child project doesn’t guarantee its realization within the founder’s main project. Each project branch operates independently, and success is not guaranteed.

  3. For more Information & FAQs please see here.

By weighing these factors, you can make an informed decision about backing a project on TF Empires.