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What is Untreadable?

Untreadable is the extension of TF Empires designed to help entreprenuers make the impossible a reality.

How Does Untreadable Work?

Untreadable is similar to crowdfunding, in the way that you create a project and it gets funded. It is different from the typical crowdfunding in the fact that the founders have 5 years to fulfill their backers benefits. You can think of a ranch that has been funded; the rancher has 1 year to set up his ranch and 4 years to fulfill all of the benefits to his backers. In this example the backers would pay a sum upfront e.g. $1000, and they would receive e.g. $1,200 worth of produce over the span of the next 4 years, maybe quarterly. Each quarter every year they would receive $75 worth of farm fresh produce from the rancher. 

Another example would be someone who wants to start a new line of vehicles, and the reward is one of those vehicles. The founder will have one year to create that vehicle and 4 years to fulfill all of the rewards that helped get his/her company off of the ground.

Untreadable has benefits for both the founders and the backers. It is beneficial for the founders in the way that they are making what would be impossible, possible. 

For the backers it is beneficial in the way that they are receiving a larger benefit even if it is spread out over 4 years; like the produce from the example above; they receive fresh food and they know that they will have food secured for their families for the next 4 years. The backers also have the knowledge that they are making the impossible possible, and that is not just incredible, it is UNTREADABLE!

How can I make an Untreadable Project?

Make a TF Empires Project and categorize it under Untreadable. TF Empires will take all of the Untreadable projects and put them on Backers will still back your project through TF Empires as they cannot back the project through Untreadable’s website. Once your project is successful, it will be acknowledged as an Untreadable Success on Untreadable’s website.